Of our customers highly recommend Business U’s professional development programs and learning events.
Business U’s institutionally accredited national organization provides industry and the workforce development and education systems with professional development, CRM technology and facilitation services to maximize strategic outcomes that exceed performance goals.

Professionals from industry, the public-sector and non-profit sector have attended a Business U award-winning course and learning event.
Annual scholarships funded by Business U to attend the Certified Business Engagement Professional (CBEP) course.
Years accreditation from IACET.

Business U is the only accredited organization where subject matter experts develop its professional development programs based on extensive business experience, research and immediate application in the field to improve market penetration, gain repeat business customers, increase customer service levels and help employers protect their competitive advantage.
You’ve got to earn this certification which makes it all that much sweeter when you hear Christine say at the end of your consultation that you’ve been certified in business engagement!
CBEP Graduate, NY

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